Das sind die Schwerpunkte von Turn 10 in diesem Jahr für Forza Motorsport
Forza Motorsport ist nun seit einigen Monaten erhältlich, und der Sim-Racer war der Startschuss für ein Spiel, das noch lange Zeit durch Updates und (kostenlose) Inhalte unterstützt werden soll. Eine Reihe von Strecken und neuen Autos wurden bereits hinzugefügt, aber Turn 10 sagt, dass sie auch auf die Community hören.
In einem ausführlichen Blog-Post hat das Studio nun mitgeteilt, welche Themen derzeit Priorität haben. Dazu gehören das Fortschrittssystem, die KI und die Forza Race Regulations. Vor allem der zweite Punkt klingt wie Musik in unseren Ohren, da wir in unserem Review bereits erwähnt haben, dass die computergesteuerten Gegner noch etwas nachgebessert werden müssen.
Bei den anderen beiden Punkten werden wir uns die Strafen ansehen, die Spieler (nicht) erhalten, wenn sie Gegner treffen, oder ob die Strafen inkonsistent sind. Auch das Vorankommen mit den Autos wird genauer unter die Lupe genommen, was laut Turn 10 unter den Spielern zu Unstimmigkeiten geführt hat.
Car Progression
“We know that the progression system in Forza Motorsport is a divisive topic among our players. We’ve been gathering feedback from a variety of sources, including the Suggestions Hub, socials, forums, long-time players, and surveys to players who may not be as active on our traditional community gathering places.
It is clear from looking at feedback that while many of our players are enjoying the system as is, for many others it isn’t delivering the upgrade experience that they expect from Forza Motorsport. To address this, we are exploring changes to the system. Our goal with these changes is to retain what is working for those that enjoy it, while resolving the issues many of our most dedicated players have with the system.
Addressing this feedback is a top priority for the team going into 2024, however it will take some time to properly evaluate options, make the necessary code changes, and thoroughly test those code changes.”
Forza Race Regulations
“We are aware that Forza Race Regulations are not working as intended in some situations. We have heard about inconsistent or unfair penalties in instances of intentional ramming, being pushed off the track, and spinning cars pushing drivers off the track. We have also heard that high speed collisions sometimes have no penalties while low speed collisions have mild penalties.
It’s important that we capture all the data that we can about a race when FRR rulings happen in error, so over the next few months, we will be working with some long-time competitive Motorsport players to gather direct telemetry from them while they’re playing. They will be capturing these instances and feeding data to our team so that we can issue tweaks to make FRR more accurate and reliable. We appreciate your patience as we work on improving the system.”
“We have seen feedback about our AI’s driving behavior: abruptly braking and slowing down; not accelerating out of exits, braking too hard on mild corners, and following racing lines too strictly. We understand how important it is to have fair and competitive AI in Motorsport and are our top priorities in early 2024 are addressing overly aggressive AI, while also getting a cleaner race start into turn 1 where many of the issues above most severely manifest and impact players.”